RAM Connection is a powerful steel connection design software that is widely used in the engineering industry. Its ability to design, analyse and check steel connections quickly and efficiently, as well as its integration with other software, make it an ideal tool for engineers to optimize steel connections design and ensure that they meet the necessary regulatory standards. Its advanced features such as the ability to design and check connections for seismic and wind loads, and support for various codes and standards, make it an efficient tool for engineers to design steel connections that are safe and efficient and comply with the necessary regulations.
One of the key features of RAM Connection is its ability to design, analyse and check steel connections quickly and efficiently. The software includes a variety of tools for creating and analysing connections, such as the ability to design and analyse connections per AISC, CSA, Eurocode and other design codes, perform load combinations and load cases, and check for code compliance. This makes it easy for engineers to design steel connections that are safe and efficient, and ensure that they comply with the necessary regulations.

RAM Connection integrates with other software, such as RAM Structural System and STAAD.Pro. This allows engineers to work seamlessly with other software and collaborate effectively with other members of the design team. The software also includes a variety of reporting tools, such as output reports and connection diagrams, which makes it easy for engineers to communicate their findings to other members of the design team and clients.
RAM Connection is equipped with advanced features such as the ability to design and check connections for seismic and wind loads, and support for various codes and standards such as AISC 360-16, AISC 341-16, and CSA S16-14/14.1-2017. This makes it easy for engineers to design steel connections that are safe and efficient, and ensure that they comply with the necessary regulations for seismic and wind loads. The software includes tools for creating and managing project data, such as the ability to import and export data from other software, such as AutoCAD and Revit. This allows engineers to work seamlessly with other software and collaborate effectively with other members of the design team.

Here is a list of some of the main modules and key features of RAM Connection:
- Connection Analysis and Design: Allows engineers to analyse and design connections for steel structures, including bolted and welded connections.
- Design Codes: Supports a wide range of design codes and standards such as AISC, Eurocode, and ASCE.
- Seismic and Wind Loads: Allows engineers to design connections that can withstand extreme loading conditions, such as seismic and wind loads.
- Integration: Allows engineers to integrate RAM Connection with other software such as RAM Structural System and STAAD.Pro, and collaborate effectively with other members of the design team.
- Reporting and Analysis: Includes a variety of reporting tools, such as output reports and connection diagrams, which makes it easy for engineers to communicate their findings to other members of the design team and clients.
- Advanced Connection Design Calculations: Includes tools for advanced connection design calculations, such as fatigue analysis and member design.
- Data Management: Includes tools for creating and managing project data, such as the ability to import and export data from other software, such as AutoCAD and Revit.
- Collaboration: Includes tools for collaboration and data management, such as the ability to create and share project workspaces, and assign tasks and permissions to team members.
- Data Management: Includes tools for creating and managing project data, such as the ability to import and export data from other software, such as AutoCAD and Revit.
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and depending on the version, the modules and features that are included may vary.